We decided to watch movie together to refresh my mind for awhile and we chose to watch New Moon! Too late huh! Not So! We weren’t able to watch it on big screen here in Iligan.
What can I say about the movie then? Hmmm… Since I bought the complete Twilight Saga and I’m done reading it, I compared them and found the movie more exciting than the book. I love the transformation of man to werewolves it was remarkably done, though I hated the part were Bella and Edward parted ways, it was painful and very depressing. But guess what excites me more? It was Jacob (Taylor Lautner) he was so handsome! No wonder girls had gone head over heels on him and I guess I fell in love with him too and I want to be imprinted by him.. hahaha
So that’s it! I guess I better watch out for the “Eclipse” by next year I believe this will be a more exciting one, this is where the real action begins…
Go Team Jacob! whee!
before twilight became a sensation, ive read the book.. i even read it twice! and one of my least favorite is this 2nd book New Moon! Edward is away! Good thing there's Jacob, but it seems like Bella just used him to cover her pain! I especially love the part where Bella jump off the cliff, she'll be dead if not for Jacob's HOT body! lol